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Get Involved

We are gearing up to welcome children in our community to Westminster Woods to hear the Word of God, play games, make crafts and have fun together. But this event cannot happen without volunteers. Whether it is leading groups of children, helping with recreation, science, music, or arts and crafts, or working in the kitchen, we have a job for you and need your help to make Day Camp a success! We're looking for volunteers of all ages (must be 12 by July 1 and older), so whether you're a student, home from college, or you have great-grandkids, we would LOVE for you to help.

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We need volunteers to help with small groups, crafts and games, and snack preparation. Whether you can come for the week or for a day, we welcome you to join the fun. To make this a positive experience for you and the children, please be thoughtful about the time you can give to Day Camp.

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If you are unable to volunteer your time but are still interested in helping, you can contribute through a  donation to Day Camp.  Donations allow us to continue to provide a one of a kind experience for children in our community every year.  The success of Day Camp depends on generous donations from people like you!

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